Thursday, March 19, 2020

Homeowners Insurance: Taking an Inventory of Your Personal Belongings

If you're of a mind to get the most value out of your Greensboro homeowners insurance policy, you need to take care of an often overlooked detail. That's the creation of a comprehensive home inventory list of your family's personal belongings. You may have thought about doing this at some time in the past, but have neglected getting out your pen and paper and writing down the details. As an alternative, you could pull out your smart phone or video camera and make a complete documentary of what possessions you have in your home.

If you fall victim to a disaster such as a house fire that destroys your home and your personal possessions, a detailed inventory listing of everything that's been lost will be invaluable when making a claim on your Greensboro homeowners insurance policy. Having a detailed, up-to-date inventory list of your personal possessions can help in several ways:
  1. Your insurance claim can be settled more quickly and more easily.
  2. An inventory list can help you to verify losses you'll need to report on your income tax return.
  3. Itemizing your personal possessions can help you in making sure you purchase and maintain the correct amount of homeowners insurance.

Where Do You Start?

Everyone knows that taking an inventory and documenting a list of your personal possessions is a good idea, but we also know it's easy to let a good idea slip by without taking the needed action to make it happen. Creating a complete possessions inventory can seem a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. The trick is to START NOW!

You can start small, with just one room, and don't worry if you don't complete the inventory all in one sitting. A good plan can be to just do one room in your house per day, every day, until you've finished. Don't get overwhelmed. Even a partial inventory list is better than none.

Here are a few tips to consider:
  • Record basic info on items such as where and when it was purchased, make/model, purchase price and serial number (if applicable).
  • Record clothing by category, such as five suits, four pairs of jeans, 10 pairs of shoes, etc.
  • Make special note of very expensive items (jewelry, artwork, furs, etc.) and make sure your policy covers them fully. If not, 
  • add a floater.
  • Store your completed inventory list in a safe, off-premises location.

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