Tuesday, November 20, 2018

3 Ways to Avoid Holiday Stress

While the holidays are ideally a time of family, friends and fun, all too often they represent a time of frenzy and stress. If the holiday season brings to mind heavy traffic on the roads, endless shopping that you may feel ill-prepared to afford and unwelcome guests at the table, it may be easy to give in to the blues. Sweet temptations will try to lure you away from your diet. Big meals where over-indulgence is too easy and a disruption of your regular exercise routine can both increase holiday stress.

Some holiday stress may be unavoidable, but it shouldn't be allowed to develop into extreme stress, anxiety or depression. We want to share some ways to help you lower your stress meter and, hopefully, bring more happiness to this season of joy. Consider these tips on avoiding holiday stress.
  1. During a time that's meant to be filled with the spirit of peace, gratitude and goodwill, it's easy to get caught up in endless to-do lists designed to somehow produce the perfect picture-postcard holiday. Unrealistic expectations of what the holiday season “should be” will likely create stress and resentment. Let go of the expectation that things should be a certain way (because that's the way “we've always done it”) and let go of old traditions you've held on to since the kids were small. Create new traditions and let some of the old ones go.
  2. Gift-giving is a major part of the holidays for many, especially where children are involved and Santa Claus is still a cherished belief. Start your shopping early in an effort to avoid the crowds and the “Christmas rush.” Spending more money than you can realistically afford on gifts could potentially stress you out for months (or years) to come if expensive gifts are bought with credit cards. The best gifts aren't necessarily the most expensive but, rather, the most thoughtful. A simple voucher for something like a full body massage or dinner and a movie may be a perfect alternative to store-bought objects. It's not generosity to spend money on gifts for others if it breaks your budget. This just creates more stress.
  3. Take it easy and have some fun. Don't feel pressured to accept every party or dinner invitation and make sure to take some time out for yourself. Express gratitude for what's given and try not to dwell on what may be missing. Happy holidays!

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